Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Clean Sweep!
It keeps him entertained for quite awhile . . . he keeps going until the battery completely dies! I love it - he is having a blast and we are able to accomplish some work (though it CAN get a little noisy!).
(Oh, and don't worry - he gets lots of other interaction on a daily basis, too! Reading, playing, walks, games, cuddling, etc! We let him do more than clean our house!)
In the picture to the left, you may not be able to tell, but he is concentrating so hard that he is sticking out his tongue - a common occurrence!
And who knows what he is doing with this face in the last photo??!?! Silly!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
School Plans
If you were wondering, YES, we plan to homeschool again next year. We're just not sure what we are doing with Owen yet. :) A big thanks to those of you who continue to support our decision to homeschool. It is very discouraging when people disapprove or make offensive comments. Homeschooling is a personal choice, and it works well for us and is very rewarding.
This is the time of year we begin planning for next year, so I thought I'd share our curriculum choices for '09-'10. I know this is a subject that interests many homeschoolers, but if you don't homeschool or aren't interested in this post, please feel free to skip it! :) If you do homeschool, I would love to hear your plans for next year!
Bible: Sonlight
Geography: Sonlight
History: Sonlight
Reading: Sonlight
Readalouds: Sonlight
Science: Answers in Genesis (though we started it this the past week!)
Math: Math-U-See
Lang. Arts: Abeka
Music/Art: Co-Op, piano lessons, handbell choir, and possibly the Fort Wayne Children's Choir
For. Lang.: Not sure yet
Phys. Ed: Co-Op
We've made quite a few changes for next year, with the biggest being switching from My Father's World to Sonlight. We are changing for a variety of reasons, but primarily because my kids love reading and we aren't reading enough good books together! We are looking forward to using Sonlight (though it is very expensive!), and I am also planning an entire curriculum for Quinn, whereas before he has usually just tagged along with Riley (other than math and reading). He'll get his own, complete, curriculum next year! (Lucky guy!!)
I am thrilled, also, to have found Answers in Genesis' science curriculum. It teaches science from a creation-based perspective and is a very Biblically-sound, evidence-based, strong science curriculum. We went ahead and started it this past week as I feel our science for this year was too light. The kids have enjoyed the switch so far!
We are sticking with Math-U-See for the fourth year in a row. It is working great for our family, and Riley usually wants to start with math first every day! She is now in the Delta
book, and Quinn will begin with the Alpha book this coming fall. We are big fans of MUS and love their teaching methods!
We are also planning to be involved in a local co-op for the fourth year in a row! This year, the kids will be focusing on critical thinking, drama, health/anatomy, and music/art. Our co-op meets once a week for two hours and each parent takes a turn teaching and planning lessons every month. I get to teach with one of my favorite friends, Joy, and we are teaching health & anatomy to kids in K-2nd grade. With her physical education/teaching degree and my health sciences/athletic training degree, we are both well versed in that area and looking forward to it!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Catching Up with a Quick Recap
I'm sure some of you are shocked to see a new post here!! (If you are still even checking my blog!) I realize I've been MIA for awhile now - I'm sorry!! Thanks to those of you who have emailed or called (or stopped me while I was driving - Sue!!) to let me know that you miss my blogging! I enjoy blogging and writing, but don't always get to it as often as I would like. But now I am back at it. The photo to the left is from EPCOT when we were there about a month ago. More on our trip soon....!
For now, here's a quick, brief recap of everything that's happened since I last blogged:
- We celebrated Quinn's 6th birthday!
- We had both cars repaired at least twice (three times for the van)...ugh!
- Still plugging away at my 12-week, online scrapbooking class.
- I spent a lot of time getting ready for and helping run our church's children's clothing resale. Lots of fun...a ton of work!!
- Loved on my husband. :) He's a cutie. He starts softball soon and has been doing a parenting study at church on how to raise boys.
- Went to South Bend for a night to celebrate a great friend's 40th birthday - love you, Chris!!!
- Helped my kids with their Geography Fair projects and learned a lot about Ukraine and Madagascar. Tried lots of new foods at the Geography Fair! The kids are trying to decide now on their countries for next year already! Any suggestions??
- Homeschooled my kids almost every day - we are now only 6 weeks away from the end of the school year! Riley has moved into division for math, Quinn has almost mastered learning time & money, and I am still undecided about sending O to preschool in the fall. Any thoughts on whether I should or not?
- Went to Disney World with my entire family for a week - there were 11 of us - it was FABULOUS!!! Lots more on this later, but suffice to say - we had an awesome time and I loved being able to see the parks (we went to all 4) through my kids' eyes.
- Enjoyed a few moms' nights outs with my girlfriends - always a good time!
- Celebrated Easter with my family, parents, and grandma.
- Took my kids to a "Jump with Jill" concert - lots of fun. Check out her website for video clips. If you ever have the opportunity to see her, go for it!
- Made lots of food in one afternoon - only to have my entire range break that same afternoon when I was halfway through! After a week of microwave meals and eating out, it's now hot - yay!
- Went to the Midwest Homeschool Convention with some girlfriends. Learned a lot, was convinced, once again, that we are doing the right thing by homeschooling our kids. Had FUN with my friends - eating out, texting each other, chatting, shopping at IKEA, and watching people ride a mechanical bull. :) (Hey Karen & Beth - it brought back great memories of Gilley's in Dallas many years ago!!)
- Shopped for bunk beds for our boys - we need to get their room redone and GET RID of our crib!!!
- Found a FREE piano for Riley! What an awesome blessing from God. We had been looking for a few months, and we were able to find a man donating a FREE piano to a good home. It is in great condition and Riley has been playing and practicing even more. I love to hear the sound of her playing fill our home.
- Went to the Dave Ramsey live simulcast with Brad at a local church. I always enjoy hearing him speak.
- Scheduled some summer activities for our family - VBS, golf, soccer, zoo camp, and possibly a vacation.
- Had the outside of our home sprayed for ants so hopefully we don't get any this year (you do know I have a phobia of ants, right?!?).
So there you have it!! Lots more coming soon - as well as photos!!